Is there a way where I can put non setter/getter methods inside the proxy interface that we define?
For eg..
@ProxyFor( value = requestFactory.example.gwt.server.domain.Person.class )
public interface PersonProxy extends EntityProxy
String getLastName();
String getFirstName();
void setLastName( String nachname );
void setFirstName( String vorname );
public Long getId();
public Integer getVersion();
void setProperty(String name, Object value);
The last method in the above example throws an exception "Only setters and getters allowed". Any ways to fix this? Thanks in advance.
No. Proxies can only have getters and setters.
You can however add a method to a RequestContext
for the same server-side call to be made:
InstanceRequest<PersonProxy> setProperty(String name, String value);
Used as:
context.setProperty("foo", "bar").using(personProxy);
Note that you cannot use Object
either (and before you ask: no, you cannot have overloads so you'd have to add setPropertyString
, setPropertyDate
, setPropertyDouble
, etc. with similarly named methods on the server-side)