Am totally lost trying to understand the @Category annotation of AutoBean. Can somebody please tell me how exactly it can be used?
I went through the example in wiki as well. My doubt is like this.
Say I am having a proxy interface in the client side which extends entity proxy, and I want to insert a non setter/getter method in that interface, how can I do that?
@ProxyFor( value = CacheStrategy.class )
public interface CacheStrategyProxy extends EntityProxy
// setters and getters
CacheStrategyProxy fetchObject(int id);
interface MyFactory extends AutoBeanFactory {
AutoBean<CacheStrategyProxy> fetchObject();
class CacheStrategyProxyCategory {
public static CacheStrategyProxy fetchObject (AutoBean<CacheStrategyProxy> instance, int id) {
// return data
Am writing all this in my CacheStrategyProxy file. But I still get the error "Only setters and getters allowed". Pardon me if I have done something silly here. I am totally new to this world.
cannot be used with Request Factory (at least not currently).
Request Factory makes use of AutoBeans (and your proxies will be AutoBean instances) but the AutoBeanFactory (factories actually) is/are internal to the RequestFactory, and you cannot tweak them.