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recursion tree method of solving recurrences

I was practicing the recursion tree method using this link: .. 1st example was okay but in the second example he calculates the height of the tree as log(base 3/2) n .. Can anyone tell me how he calculated height ? May be a dumb question but i can't understand! :|


  • Let me try explain it. The recursion formula you have is T(n) = T(n/3) + T(2n/3) + n. It says, you are making a recursion tree that splits into two subtrees of sizes n/3, 2n/3, and costs n at that level.

    If you see the height is determined by height of largest subtree (+1). Here the right-subtree, the one with 2n/3 element will drive the height. OK?

    If the above sentence is clear to you, lets calculate height. At height 1,we will have n*(2/3) elements, at height 2, we have n*(2/3)^2 elements,... we will keep splitting till we have one element left, thus at height h

     n*(2/3)^h <= 1
     (take log both side)
     log(n) + h*log(2/3) <= 0
     (log is an increasing function)
     h*log(3/2) >= log(n)
     h >= log(n)/log(3/2)
     h >= log3/2 (n)

    I would suggest reading Master Method for Recursion from Introduction to Algorithms - CLRS.