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SugarCRM portal installation Allow Call Time Pass Reference

I am installing SugarCRM Portal on my local host. In installation wizard it says that I must turn on Allow Call Time Pass Reference and I did at php.ini and stopped my apache server. When I started it back again an error occurred saying there was a fatal error.

Here is the error on my logs

"Fatal error: Directive 'allow_call_time_pass_reference' is no longer available in PHP"

I cannot continue my installation if all settings are all green. This is the only thing that is blocking me. Help Please.


  • I've got it

    air4x's comment is correct but not detailed so I am here to give the detailed one.

    All you have to do is go to sugarportal_dir/install/ then open checkSystem.php. There is a if statement that looks like this.

       if('0' == ini_get('allow_call_time_pass_reference')) {

    All you have to do is change 0 to 1:

       if('1' == ini_get('allow_call_time_pass_reference')) {

    That's it. Hope that helps others. And thanks for the reply air4x your logic is correct.