After creating my Catmull Rom Spline such as:
vector3 SplineVector = newSpline.createCatmulRomSpline(vectorOne, vectorTwo, vectorThree, vectorFour, i);
However, when I read out the result from
vector3 SplineVector
I get garbage values.
Here is a listing of my spline class, a segment of my vector3 class and in the implementation within the initialization.
for(float i = 0.0f; i <= 1.0f; i += 0.1f)
vector3 SplineVector = newSpline.createCatmulRomSpline(vectorOne, vectorTwo, vectorThree, vectorFour, i);
cout << "\n\ncurve pos X: " << SplineVector.getx();
cout << "\ncurve pos Y: " << SplineVector.gety();
cout << "\ncurve pos Z: " << SplineVector.getz();
class vector3
vector3(float inx,float iny,float inz): x(inx), y(iny), z(inz)
//Vector operators
_inline vector3 operator=(const vector3& invec){ // Assignment
return vector3(this->x=invec.x,this->y=invec.y,this->z=invec.z);
_inline vector3 operator+(const vector3& invec){//Addition
return vector3(this->x+invec.x,this->y+invec.y,this->z+invec.z);
_inline vector3 operator-(const vector3& invec){//Subtraction
return vector3(this->x-invec.x,this->y-invec.y,this->z-invec.z);
_inline vector3 operator*(const vector3& invec){//Multiplication
return vector3(this->x*invec.x,this->y*invec.y,this->z*invec.z);
_inline vector3 operator/(const vector3& invec){//Division
return vector3(this->x/invec.x,this->y/invec.y,this->z/invec.z);
//Scaler operators
_inline vector3& operator+=(const float& scaler){//Addition self-assignment
return vector3(this->x+=scaler,this->y+=scaler,this->z+=scaler);
_inline vector3& operator-=(const float& scaler){//Subtraction self-assignment
return vector3(this->x-=scaler,this->y-=scaler,this->z-=scaler);
_inline vector3& operator*=(const float& scaler){//Multiplication self-assignment
return vector3(this->x*=scaler,this->y*=scaler,this->z*=scaler);
_inline vector3& operator*(const float& scalar){
return vector3(this->x*scalar, this->y*scalar, this->z*scalar);
//Math methods
_inline vector3 operator^(vector3& invec){//Cross product
return vector3( (this->y*invec.z-this->z*invec.y),
_inline vector3 operator&(vector3& invec){//Dot product
return (this->x*invec.x)+(this->y*invec.y)+(this->z*invec.z);
_inline vector3 distance(vector3&);//Distance
_inline void normalize(){
float mag = sqrtf(this->x*this->x+this->y*this->y+this->z*this->z);
float x;
float y;
float z;
float getx();
float gety();
float getz();
float getMagnitude();
float mag;
Catmull Rom Spline Generation
_inline vector3 createCatmulRomSpline(vector3 P0, vector3 P1, vector3 P2, vector3 P3, float t)
float t2 = t*t;
float t3 = t2*t;
vector3 result = ((P1*2) + (P2 - P0) * t + (P0*2 - P1 * 5 + P2*4 - P3)*t2 + (P1*3 - P0- P2*3 + P3) * t3)*0.5f;
return result;
I have tried other peoples code and when it comes to outputting the data into the final vector, it outputs bogus values.
You had a number of things wrong with your operators, although most of them weren't used. I modified your class. I notice you have not shown your code for the getx()
(etc) members. I implemented those inline, but perhaps they were responsible for the garbage? Here is the test program with my changes. It seems to work fine:
class vector3
:x(0), y(0), z(0)
vector3(float inx,float iny,float inz)
: x(inx), y(iny), z(inz)
//Vector operators
_inline vector3& operator=(const vector3& invec) { // Assignment
x = invec.x;
y = invec.y;
z = invec.z;
return *this;
_inline vector3 operator+(const vector3& invec) const {//Addition
return vector3(x+invec.x,y+invec.y,z+invec.z);
_inline vector3 operator-(const vector3& invec) const {//Subtraction
return vector3(x-invec.x,y-invec.y,z-invec.z);
_inline vector3 operator*(const vector3& invec) const {//Multiplication
return vector3(x*invec.x,y*invec.y,z*invec.z);
_inline vector3 operator/(const vector3& invec) const {//Division
return vector3(x/invec.x,y/invec.y,z/invec.z);
//scalar operators
_inline vector3& operator+=(const float& scalar){//Addition self-assignment
return *this;
_inline vector3& operator-=(const float& scalar){//Subtraction self-assignment
return *this;
_inline vector3& operator*=(const float& scalar){//Multiplication self-assignment
return *this;
_inline vector3 operator*(const float& scalar) const {
return vector3(x*scalar, y*scalar, z*scalar);
//Math methods
_inline vector3 operator^(const vector3& invec) const {//Cross product
return vector3( (y*invec.z-z*invec.y),
_inline float operator&(const vector3& invec) const {//Dot product
return (x*invec.x)+(y*invec.y)+(z*invec.z);
_inline float distance(vector3&) const;//Distance
_inline void normalize(){
float mag = sqrtf(x*x+y*y+z*z);
float x;
float y;
float z;
_inline float getx() const { return x; }
_inline float gety() const { return y; }
_inline float getz() const { return z; }
float getMagnitude() const;
_inline vector3 createCatmulRomSpline(vector3 P0, vector3 P1, vector3 P2, vector3 P3, float t)
float t2 = t*t;
float t3 = t2*t;
vector3 result = ((P1*2) + (P2 - P0) * t + (P0*2 - P1 * 5 + P2*4 - P3)*t2 + (P1*3 - P0- P2*3 + P3) * t3)*0.5f;
return result;
int main() {
vector3 vectorOne(0,0,0);
vector3 vectorTwo(5,10,1);
vector3 vectorThree(10,10,2);
vector3 vectorFour(15,0,3);
const int ndiv = 10;
for( int i = 0; i <= ndiv; i++ )
float t = (float)i / ndiv;
vector3 SplineVector = createCatmulRomSpline(vectorOne, vectorTwo, vectorThree, vectorFour, t);
cout << "curve pos X: " << SplineVector.getx() << "\n";
cout << "curve pos Y: " << SplineVector.gety() << "\n";
cout << "curve pos Z: " << SplineVector.getz() << "\n\n";
return 0;