In my application I have an embedded jetty server (version 8.1.2) running a web application that uses spring web security.
The jetty server is configured to use the JDBCSessionManager
One of the security filters that spring employs is a subclass of AbstractAuthenticationProcessingFilter
, in it, it has a SessionAuthenticationStrategy
which by default is a SessionFixationProtectionStrategy
. This protection strategy creates a new session, as a copy of the original session and invalidates the old one.
Now when I try to login to the web application, I see that a new session is created, but the authentication attributes that are added to the new session are not written back to the database. Moreover, I see that the old session is written to the database with new attributes even though it was invalidated.
Finally, when a new http request arrives as part of the new session, it does not pass authentication because of the above.
After some investigation, I found that this behavior does not happen in older versions of jetty (I tried 7.1.4), and I see that the new session data is written to the database.
I could of course solve this issue by any of the following:
But assuming non of the above options are valid for me, I was wondering if there is any solution to this problem.
Resolved in newer releases of jetty 8, at least 8.1.6 :)