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"Destroying" a function in PHP 5.2x

Possible Duplicate:
Removing a function at runtime in PHP

I have a script that is including different files while running. The files all contain a function with the same name. I only need the currently included to exist. Is there any way to enable dynamic file including, so it won't be causing Fatal error: Cannot redeclare function()? In another words I need to either rename or remove the previous function.

The function is declared in a classical way function fn(){;}


  • Rather than each file defining a top-level function with the same name, consider using a very simple OO structure:

    Assuming you have something like this:

    switch ( $some_condition )
        case 'normal':
            include_once 'normal_function.php';
        case 'special':
            include_once 'special_function.php';
        case 'secret':
            include_once 'secret_function.php';

    You could replace it with something like this:

    switch ( $some_condition )
        case 'normal':
            include_once 'normal_class.php';
            $handler_object = new Normal_Class();
        case 'special':
            include_once 'special_class.php';
            $handler_object = new Special_Class();
        case 'secret':
            include_once 'secret_class.php';
            $handler_object = new Secret_Class();

    And then in each of the included files, instead of one function, you would define a class containing that function, like this:

    class Normal_Class
        public function do_the_action()
            // Implementation for normal case goes here 

    Not only does this solve your problem, it puts you on the road to learning other advanced/OO PHP techniques - autoloading the files so you don't have to specify include_once every time, defining hierarchies and interfaces, etc.