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Why use classes vs decorators in Python Flask?

In Flask, you can use classes and decorators for routes. What would be the advantage of each use case?

I was thinking decorators for static pages and classes for more dynamic pages. If I was to combine tornado/gunicorn with flask, which is the better method.

I plan on using async methods, using this as a example as starting point: using Flask and Tornado together?

This post states it may framework dependent, but in flask we can use both.
Decorators vs. classes in python web development


  • These are my personal rules of the thumb.

    1. If I have to port from an existing application, I use the convention that is used in the source application. Having two possible routing styles is a big advantage.
    2. If the application uses different URLs for the same code, I create an explicit mapping between URLs and handler classes.
    3. If the number of URLs and classes used in the application is small, I will use decorators.
    4. If the application is complex, with complex URLs, I create an a mapping between URLs and handler classes.