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Joda-Time: Get first/second/last sunday of month

In plain Java, I have this code to get the last Sunday of the month.

Calendar getNthOfMonth(int n, int day_of_week, int month, int year) {
    Calendar compareDate = Date(1, month, year);
    compareDate.set(DAY_OF_WEEK, day_of_week);
    compareDate.set(DAY_OF_WEEK_IN_MONTH, n);
    return compareDate;
// Usage
Calendar lastSundayOfNovember = getNthOfMonth(-1, SUNDAY, NOVEMBER, 2012)

What is a clean and elegant way to achieve the same result using Joda-Time?


  • public class Time {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        System.out.println(getNthOfMonth(DateTimeConstants.SUNDAY, DateTimeConstants.SEP, 2012));
    public static LocalDate getNthOfMonth(int day_of_week, int month, int year) {
        LocalDate date = new LocalDate(year, month, 1).dayOfMonth()  
        if(date.getMonthOfYear() != month) {
            return date.dayOfWeek().addToCopy(-7);
        return date;