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Control TableAdapter Command Timeout Globally

I have a DataSet with a QueriesTableAdapter. In order to control the SqlCommand.CommandTimeout I've added a partial class called QueriesTableAdapter with a public method called ChangeTimeout.

partial class QueriesTableAdapter
    public void ChangeTimeout(int timeout)
        foreach (System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand cmd in CommandCollection)
            cmd.CommandTimeout = timeout;

For every DataSet I have that has a QueriesTableAdapter, I can set the CommandTimeout prior to executing.

using (NameSpace.DataSet.DataSetTableAdapters.QueriesTableAdapter ta =
new NameSpace.DataSet.DataSetTableAdapters.QueriesTableAdapter())

This works well is most cases because the "QueriesTableAdapter" is named for you in the DataSet designer. The problem I'm running into is the TableAdapters that are uniquely named. For example, if I have a DataTable called Person and a TableAdaper called PersonTableAdapter, I have to write a PersonTableAdapter partial class in the same way I wrote the QueriesTableAdaper class. I have hundreds of DataTables with unique TableAdapter names. I don't want to create a partial class for each of those. How can I get to the underlying SqlCommand objects of a partial class in a global way?


  • for some reason, my adapter's .selectcommand was null so i ended up having to go through the CommandCollection object instead, so i thought i'd post my small change based on the previous answer above.


    using System.ComponentModel;
    using System.Reflection;


    private void ChangeTimeout(Component component, int timeout)
                if (!component.GetType().Name.Contains("TableAdapter"))
                PropertyInfo adapterProp = component.GetType().GetProperty("CommandCollection", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.GetProperty | BindingFlags.Instance);
                if (adapterProp == null)
                SqlCommand[] command = adapterProp.GetValue(component, null) as SqlCommand[];
                if (command == null)
                command[0].CommandTimeout = timeout;            