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Feeding DataAnnotations.ValidationAttribute error messages with resource stored string value pairs

My ValidationAttributes don't access my ErrorMessages value-pairs stored in a .resx Resource File generated with VS2010 built in resource generator. (Add New Item - Resources File)

I simply added a folder named Resources, then added a new Resources File and called it ErrorResources, in the resources editor I added a value pair StringLengthError - Too Long**.

Then in my DataAnnotation.ValidationAttribute I wrote:

  [StringLength(5, MinimumLength = 3, 
                    ErrorMessageResourceType = typeof(ErrorResources),
                    ErrorMessageResourceName = "StringLengthError")]
  public string Details { get; set; }

I added a using statement to include the ErrorResources.

But when I run it, the ValidationAttribute StringLength is totally void.

If I use it without the ErrorResources, as in :

  [StringLength(5, MinimumLength = 3)]
  public string Details { get; set; }

The validation attribute comes back to life.

I tried accessing the ErrorResources value pairs in other part of the code, and it works. I just can't get my ValidationAttributes to use the ErrorResources resource.


  • Access modifier should be Public but that's not enough. You will have to change properties of your resx file to look like this:


    Pay attention to Build Action and Custom Tool

    In addition Resx used by data annotations should sit in App_GlobalResources rather than in Resources you've mentioned. Try these, see if that works alright.

    Hope this will help you.