i do all instruction for use prettyPhoto in https://github.com/hiq5/prettyphoto-rails.
and i do this to show a single photo( not gallery )
=link_to image_tag(photo.photo_url(:thumb).to_s, :alt => photo.name ,:class => "img-polaroid"), photo.photo_url, :rel => 'prettyPhoto'
but still redirect to photo url and show photo, and doesn't use jQuery to show it on the current page.
i check it with chrome development tools, there isn't any error.
i use haml to generate views (instead erb), and carrierwave to upload photos. by the way I use twitter bootstrap.
any help is appreciated.
in the documentation don't tell we should add the following code in bottom of body (html tag)
so we should add the following code
in haml
%script{:charset => "utf-8", :type => "text/javascript"}
in erb or html
<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">