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cryptic perl expression

I find the following statement in a perl (actually PDL) program:


Can someone decode this for me, an apprentice in perl programming?


  • Sure, I'll explain it from the inside out:

    \w - matches a single character that can be used in a word (alphanumeric, plus '_')

    [...] - matches a single character from within the brackets

    [\w] - matches a single character that can be used in a word (kinda redundant here)

    + - matches the previous character, repeating as many times as possible, but must appear at least once.

    [\w]+ - matches a group of word characters, many times over. This will find a word.

    (...) - grouping. remember this set of characters for later.

    ([\w]+) - match a word, and remember it for later

    $ - end-of-line. match something at the end of a line

    ([\w]+)$ - match the last word on a line, and remember it for later

    \/ - a single slash character '/'. it must be escaped by backslash, because slash is special.

    \/([\w]+)$ - match the last word on a line, after a slash '/', and remember the word for later. This is probably grabbing the directory/file name from a path.

    /.../ - match syntax

    /.../i - i means case-insensitive.

    All together now:

    /\/([\w]+)$/i; - match the last word on a line and remember it for later; the word must come after a slash. Basically, grab the filename from an absolute path. The case insensitive part is irrelevant, \w will already match both cases.

    More details about Perl regex here:

    And as JRFerguson pointed out, YAPE::Regex::Explain is useful for tokenizing regex, and explaining the pieces.