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Is it advisable to use the Windows API 'SetThreadPriority' within a parallel_for_each loop

I would like to reduce the thread-priority of the threads servicing a parallel_for_each, because under heavy load conditions they consume too much processor time relative to other threads in my system.


1) Do the servicing threads of a parallel_for_each inherit the thread-priority of the calling thread? In this case I could presumably call SetThreadPriority before and after the parallel_for_each, and everything should be fine.

2) Alternatively is it advisable to call SetThreadPriority within the parallel_for_each? This will clearly invoke the API multiple times for the same threads. Is there a large overhead of doing this?

2.b) Assuming that I do this, will it affect thread-priorities the next time that parallel_for_each is called - ie do I need to somehow reset the priority of each thread afterwards?

3) I'm wondering about thread-priorities in general. Would anyone like to comment: supposing that I had 2 threads contending for a single processor and one was set to "below-normal" while the other was "normal" priority. Roughly what percentage more processor time would the one thread get compared to the other?


    1. All threads initially start at THREAD_PRIORITY_NORMAL. So you'd have to reduce the priority of each thread. Or reduce the priority of the owning process.

    2. There is little overhead in calling SetThreadPriority. Once you have woken up a thread, the additional cost of calling SetThreadPriority is negligible. Once you set the thread's priority it will remain at that value until changed.

    3. Suppose that you have one processor, and two threads ready to run. The scheduler will always choose to run the thread with the higher priority. This means that in your scenario, the below normal threads would never run. In reality, there's a lot more to scheduling than that. For example priority inversion. However, you can think of it like this. If all processors are busy with normal priority threads, then expect lower priority threads to be starved of CPU.