I understand the difference between unsigned char *
and char *
types. I also understand how to use reinterpret_cast to cast an unsigned char *
to a char *
in C++.
I'm using sqlite3 in Objective-C and am trying to get an NSString
from a call to
To do this, I'm basically doing:
char *cParam = (char *)sqlite3_column_text(compiledStatementPtr, 0);
NSString *aParam = nil;
if (cParam) {
aParam = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:cParam];
, however, returns an unsigned char *
and I'm worried about the behavior of the cast to char *
. I've read that the cast is implemenation specific and I was wondering if this is a safe cast in Objective-C or if I'm totally barking up the wrong tree?
You don't have much to worry about due to the cast. Actually, Apple sample code uses the exact same code pattern you are using:
self.title =
[NSString stringWithUTF8String:(char *)sqlite3_column_text(init_statement, 0)];
(From SQLite Book List
I think you should be more concerned with the database actually having UTF-8