So I have an array of indexes of characters in a string that I wish to insert a character before, how do i easily insert a character before each index? So for example:
"The big brown fox ... "
the positions array = 4,9
the character to insert ','
the result: "The, big, brown fox ..."
Is there a method that provides such an easy utility?
String.insert(originalStr, index, stringToInsert) for example???
The example I provided is just an example implementation. I also may want to do the following:
orginalText = "some text with characters like ; : } <"
in which I may want to insert "\" with the result being:
result = "some text with characters like \; : } \<"
This is hacky and a bit rushed but try this:
Dim sString: sString = "the something something"
Dim position: position = 1
Dim character: character = "F"
if position = 0 then
sString = character + Left(Mid(sString, 1), Len(sString) + 1)
sString = Left(sString, position) + character + Left(Mid(sString, position), Len(sString) - position + 1)
end if