So I'm working on a rails 3.2 app where I have a CarrierWave uploader; which I use to upload images, and split crop them into a few different sizes - pretty standard stuff.
What I would like to do is composite a new image on top of the image being uploaded, which is also pretty straight forward. (very commonly done for watermarking). The difference is that instead of having static values for positioning the composited image, I need them to be dynamic.
The thing I'm having trouble with is figuring out how to pass dynamic user-defined positional arguments into my carrierwave processor in the 'version' block.
Any ideas?
you can store the value into model instance
then, in the process method to get it by model attr
# model class
# define attr_accessor coords
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessor :coords
mount_uploader :icon, AvatarUploader
# controller
# pass the params to @user.coords
def crop_icon
@user.coords = params[:coords]
@user.icon = params[:icon]
# Uploader
# the model in the function is same as @user in controll,
# and can be invoked inside of process method
def crop_area
manipulate! do |img|
unless model.coords.nil?
coords = JSON.parse(model.coords)
img = yield(img) if block_given?