I have a insert statement:
INSERT INTO billData (
tmStart, tsDuration, eCallDir, ...
$1, -- tmStart
$2, -- tsDuration
$3, -- eCallDir
I use SQLPrepare
to compile it, bind parameters by SQLBindParameter
, and execute it by SQLExecute
After all of there steps, the error code 42P02
(there is no parameter $1) was returned.
BTW: I'm also using the almost same code for MS SQL Server and MySQL, and these two DB are working very well, so I believe my code is correct.
PS: the PostgreSQL is v9.1; the psqlODBC is v9.01.0100-1.
And the following error occured: 42601
(syntax error at or near ",") when I'm using '?' as the parameter placholder:
INSERT INTO billData (
tmStart, tsDuration, eCallDir, ...
?, -- tmStart
?, -- tsDuration
?, -- eCallDir
According to the suggestion from j.w.r, It works after adding UseServerSidePrepare=1
option to the ODBC connection string.
A lot of thanks :-)
============================================================ UPDATE:
According to the suggestion from j.w.r, It works after adding UseServerSidePrepare=1
option to the ODBC connection string.
A lot of thanks :-)
Note: the ByteaAsLongVarBinary=1
option should also be added if you want to parameterize a bytea field with SQLBindParameter.