Having fun evaluating Teechart for .NET Monotouch for iOS. Run into several problems that cannot solve. Basically I am trying to present a 2D bar chart with two or three series with up to 24 data points.
Here is my test code
chart3.Aspect.View3D = false;
chart3.Legend.Visible = false;
chart3.Chart.Aspect.ZoomScrollStyle = Steema.TeeChart.Drawing.Aspect.ZoomScrollStyles.Auto;
Axis left=chart3.Axes.Left;
left.Grid.Visible = false;
Axis bottom=chart3.Axes.Bottom;
bottom.Grid.Visible = false;
Steema.TeeChart.Styles.Bar bar1=new Steema.TeeChart.Styles.Bar();
bar1.Add(12.0,"Jun 2012");
bar1.Add(8.0,"Jul 2012");
bar1.Add(0.5,"Aug 2012");
bar1.Add(6.7,"Sep 2012");
bar1.Pen.Width = 0;
bar1.Gradient.Visible = true;
bar1.GetSeriesMark += (series, e) => {object v=series.YValues[e.ValueIndex]; e.MarkText=""+v;};
Steema.TeeChart.Styles.Bar bar2=new Steema.TeeChart.Styles.Bar();
bar2.Add(8.0,"Jun 2012");
bar2.Add(5.0,"Jul 2012");
bar2.Add(5.0,"Aug 2012");
bar2.Add(14.0,"Sep 2012");
bar2.Pen.Width = 0;
bar2.Gradient.Visible = true;
bar2.GetSeriesMark += (series, e) => {object v=series.YValues[e.ValueIndex]; e.MarkText=""+v;};
Above code creates two 2D bar style series with four points.
Here is the result I am getting
The major problem is that all bars are floating 0.5 point above zero (notice 8.5 on the left axis where value is 8). Scrolling up shows this
Second issue I am facing is that the library doesn't take into consideration Maximum value set for the last axis.
If I set Aspect.View3D to true that chart looks much better
3D comes with its own set of issues but we need 2D anyway.
My question is: what I am doing wrong?
yes, you're correct. I can reproduce the problem here. A fix will be included into the next maintenance release which will be available soon. In meantime, a workaround would be to set to Manual the ZoomScroll style, which makes to use the default zoom and scroll of the TeeChart library : Code :
_controller.chart.Chart.Aspect.ZoomScrollStyle = Steema.TeeChart.Drawing.Aspect.ZoomScrollStyles.Manual