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MySQL LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE example in python?

I am looking for a syntax definition, example, sample code, wiki, etc. for executing a LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE command from python.

I believe I can use mysqlimport as well if that is available, so any feedback (and code snippet) on which is the better route, is welcome. A Google search is not turning up much in the way of current info

The goal in either case is the same: Automate loading hundreds of files with a known naming convention & date structure, into a single MySQL table.



  • Well, using python's MySQLdb, I use this:

    connection = MySQLdb.Connect(host='**', user='**', passwd='**', db='**')
    cursor = connection.cursor()
    query = "LOAD DATA INFILE '/path/to/my/file' INTO TABLE sometable FIELDS TERMINATED BY ';' ENCLOSED BY '\"' ESCAPED BY '\\\\'"
    cursor.execute( query )

    replacing the host/user/passwd/db as appropriate for your needs. This is based on the MySQL docs here, The exact LOAD DATA INFILE statement would depend on your specific requirements etc (note the FIELDS TERMINATED BY, ENCLOSED BY, and ESCAPED BY statements will be specific to the type of file you are trying to read in).