I've installed Netbeans 7.2. with GlassFish Server 3.1.2 but when I run web application the default jsp page or any other jsp pages I got the error:
GlassFish Server 3.1.2 Start Failed
C:\Users****\Documents\NetBeansProjects\WebApplication3\nbproject\build-impl.xml:1022: Deployment error: GlassFish Server 3.1.2 Start Failed See the server log for details. BUILD FAILED (total time: 47 seconds)
< target depends="init,-init-cos,compile, compile-jsps,-do-compile-single-jsp,-pre-dist,-do-tmp-dist-with-manifest,-do-tmp-dist-without-manifest,-pre-run-deploy, -pre-nbmodule-run-deploy,-run-deploy-nb,-init-deploy-ant,-deploy-ant,-run-deploy-am,-post-nbmodule-run-deploy,-post-run-deploy, -do-update-breakpoints" name="run-deploy"/>
< target if="netbeans.home" name="-run-deploy-nb">
< nbdeploy clientUrlPart="${client.urlPart}" debugmode="false" forceRedeploy="${forceRedeploy}"/>
glassFish Server 3.1.2
SEVERE: Shutting down v3 due to startup exception : No free port within range: 8080=com.sun.enterprise.v3.services.impl.monitor.MonitorableSelectorHandler@788a7b
I've found the solution. My 8080 port was reserved by Oracle. So I edited the domain.xml file inside glassfish\domains\domain1\ config\domain.xml file.
I replaced the port 8080 with 9999 and replaced the file. After that I added the glassfish server to netbeans, and now it is working.
Thank You everyone.