I want to insert multiple rows with a single insert statement.
The following code inserts one row, and works fine:
create temp table mytmptable
(external_id char(10),
int_id integer,
cost_amount decimal(10,2)
) with no log;
insert into mytmptable values
('7662', 232, 297.26);
select * from mytmptable;
I've tried changing the insert to this, but it gives a syntax error:
insert into mytmptable values
('7662', 232, 297.26),
('7662', 232, 297.26);
Is there a way to get it working, or do I need to run many inserts instead?
As you found, you can't use multiple lists of values in a single INSERT statement with Informix.
The simplest solution is to use multiple INSERT statements each with a single list of values.
If you're using an API such as ESQL/C and you are concerned about performance, then you can create an INSERT cursor and use that repeatedly. This saves up the inserts until a buffer is full, or you flush or close the cursor:
$ PREPARE p FROM "INSERT INTO mytmptable VALUES(?, ?, ?)";
$ OPEN c;
while (...there's more data to process...)
$PUT c USING :v1, :v2, :v3;
$ CLOSE c;
The variables v1
, v2
, v3
are host variables to hold the string and numbers to be inserted.
(You can optionally use $ FLUSH c;
in the loop if you wish.) Because this buffers the values, it is pretty efficient. Of course, you could also simply use $ EXECUTE p USING :v1, :v2, :v3;
in the loop; that foregoes the per-row preparation of the statement, too.
If you don't mind writing verbose SQL, you can use the UNION technique suggested by Matt Hamilton, but you will need a FROM clause in each SELECT with Informix. You might specify:
FROM "informix".systables WHERE tabid = 1
, orFROM sysmaster:"informix".sysdual
, orIn my databases, I have either a table dual
with a single row in it, or a synonym dual
that is a synonym for sysmaster:"informix".sysdual
. You can get away without the "informix".
part of those statements if the database is 'normal'; the owner name is crucial if your database is an Informix MODE ANSI database.