I am doing a MS SQL Server Full Text Search query. I need to escape special characters so I can search on a specific term that contains special characters. Is there a built-in function to escape a full text search string? If not, how would you do it?
Bad news: there's no way. Good news: you don't need it (as it won't help anyway).
I've faced similar issue on one of my projects. My understanding is that while building full-text index, SQL Server treats all special characters as word delimiters and hence:
Consider we have the following table with a corresponding full-text index for it (which is skipped):
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[ActicleTable]
[Id] int identity(1,1) not null primary key,
[ActicleBody] varchar(max) not null
Consider later we add rows to the table:
INSERT INTO [ActicleTable] values ('digitally improvements folders')
INSERT INTO [ActicleTable] values ('digital"ly improve{ments} fold(ers)')
Try searching:
SELECT * FROM [ArticleTable] WHERE CONTAINS(*, 'digitally')
SELECT * FROM [ArticleTable] WHERE CONTAINS(*, 'improvements')
SELECT * FROM [ArticleTable] WHERE CONTAINS(*, 'folders')
SELECT * FROM [ArticleTable] WHERE CONTAINS(*, 'digital')
SELECT * FROM [ArticleTable] WHERE CONTAINS(*, 'improve')
SELECT * FROM [ArticleTable] WHERE CONTAINS(*, 'fold')
First group of conditions will match first row (and not the second) while the second group will match second row only.
Unfortunately I could not find a link to MSDN (or something) where such behaviour is clearly stated. But I've found an official article that tells how to convert quotation marks for full-text search queries, which is [implicitly] aligned with the above described algorithm.