I'm following the tutorial, http://www.datomic.com/company/resources/tutorial but I think I am missing a simple piece of the puzzle of how to access Datomic's time model.
If I do a series of adds and retracts
;; DO a series of transactions
;; (transact conn [:db/add entity-id attribute value0])
(use 'datomic.api)
(dir datomic.api)
(def conn (connect "datomic:dev://localhost:4334/demo"))
(transact conn '[:db/add 2000 :db/doc "Hello There"])
(q '[:find ?e ?n :where [?e :db/doc ?n] [(= 2000 ?e)]] (db conn))
; => <HashSet [[2000 "Hello There"]]>
(transact conn '[:db/add 2000 :db/doc "Hello There 1"])
(q '[:find ?e ?n :where [?e :db/doc ?n] [(= 2000 ?e)]] (db conn))
; => <HashSet [[2000 "Hello There 1"]]>
(transact conn '[:db/add 2000 :db/doc "Hello There 2"])
(q '[:find ?e ?n :where [?e :db/doc ?n] [(= 2000 ?e)]] (db conn))
; => <HashSet [[2000 "Hello There 2"]]>
(transact conn '[:db/add 2000 :db/doc "Hello There 3"])
(q '[:find ?e ?n :where [?e :db/doc ?n] [(= 2000 ?e)]] (db conn))
; => <HashSet [[2000 "Hello There 3"]]>
How is it possible to get a series of changes of the value on (entity 2000 attribute :db/doc)?
I want to get something in the format of
[ [Transaction Number, Time, Value] .... [Transaction Number, Time, Value]]
For example:
[ [T1, "2012-March-16-9:30:12", "Hello There"]
[T27, "2012-June-14-9:54:38", "Hello There 3"] ]
It can't be that difficult, but there are a lot of :db internal parameters that I'm not familiar with.
Take a look at the (history db)
function in the reference.
Returns a special database containing all assertions and retractions across time. This special database can be used for datoms and index-range calls and queries, but not for entity or with calls. as-of and since bounds are also supported. Note that queries will get all of the additions and retractions, which can be distinguished by the fifth datom field :added (true for add/assert) [e a v tx added]
Using history
you can do something like this to get the data you wanted:
datomic-test.core> (q '[:find ?tx ?tx-time ?v
:in $ ?e ?a
:where [?e ?a ?v ?tx _]
[?tx :db/txInstant ?tx-time]]
(d/history (db conn))
#<HashSet [[13194139534315 #inst "2012-09-09T00:45:49.086-00:00" "Hello There"] [...]]>
Also look at (tempid :db.part/user)
to get IDs instead of using hard coded numbers like 2000