I would like to do the following in F#:
let index = 5
let sequence = [0..10]
let fifthElement =
|> .[index]
However, the last line is invalid. What I'd like to do is to actually retrieve the element at the index of 5 in the sequence
. Am I doing things wrong?
From what I understand, pipelining helps to reverse the function call, but I am not sure how to retrieve the element at a particular index using pipelining.
For list
and seq
, I usually use
let fifthElement = sequence |> Seq.nth index
You could also write
let fifthElement = sequence |> fun sq -> sq.[index]
or more concisely without piping
let fifthElement = sequence.[index]
for any object with Indexed Property.
The advantage of using Indexed Property is that it's actually O(1)
on array while Seq.nth
on array is O(N)