I'm implementing the methods discussed here: How to Read MMS Data in Android?
I'm trying to read SMS and MMS into a single listview. I'm doing pretty well, but when I try to sort I'm getting all of the SMS sorted together followed by all of the MMS sorted together.
Here is my code:
Cursor smsCursor = getContentResolver().query(Uri.parse("content://mms-sms/conversations/"), null, null, null, "date DESC");
Can anyone tell me how to combine the two sources or how to combine the MMS into the SMS conversations like the built in Android app does?
Edit: I noticed that the date of SMS has several more digits than the dates of MMS.
Edit 2: Adding "julianday()" like so:
Cursor smsCursor = getContentResolver().query(Uri.parse("content://mms-sms/conversations/"), null, null, null, "julianday(date) DESC");
Makes the MMS appear at the top of the list.
try normalized_date desc
instead of date desc
for the order.
It should work.