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How to write this autoloader PSR-0/1/2 save?

The PSR-0/1/2-syntax checker on gives this message

The first parameter of a multi-line function declaration must be on
the line after the opening bracket 

on this code:

// class autoloader for PHP 5.3+
spl_autoload_register( function ($class) {
    include('classes/' . $class . '.class.php');

I tried a lot, but never got this little piece of code PSR-0/1/2-save. How would a solution look like (or is the analyzer on phphint too strict ?) ?


  • I fixed this by myself, but the solution is extremely ugly.

    spl_autoload_register( function (
    ) {
        include('classes/' . $class . '.class.php');

    Maybe the PSR-guys should think about their weird syntax. The correct solution looks like this, even if it is a step backwards.

    // autoload function (it's NOT "__autoload", __autoload is
    // DEPRECATED since PHP 5.4!)
    function autoload($class) {
        include('classes/' . $class . '.class.php');
    // class autoloader for PHP 5.3+, registers the function that's used if a class/file
    // is not found (=autoloader)