I read the answers to the Python questions on traceback errors, alas I don't understand the answers provided. When I run the below code I get a traceback error if the user enters nothing. How can I avoid it? Please give only specific and short answers. Thanks!
Error: Python Traceback Error: Invalid Literal for int() with base 10
def gold_room():
print "This room is full of gold. How much do you take?"
next = (raw_input(">>> "))
how_much = int(next)
if how_much < 50:
print "Nice, you're not greedy, you win!"
elif how_much > 50:
print "You greedy bastard!"
dead("Man, learn to type!")
In extension to Burhan Khalid's answer, if you want to prompt the user until he/she has entered a valid number, do this:
how_much = None
while how_much is None:
next = (raw_input(">>> "))
how_much = int(next)
except ValueError:
print "Dude, enter a value!"