I want to perform a sort_by_key
where I have a single key-sequence
and multiple value sequences.
One usually performs this with
key + N,
make_tuple(x1 , x2 , ...)
However I want to perform a sort with > 10 sequences each of length N. Thrust does not support tuples of size >= 10. So is there a way around this ?
Of course one can keep a separate copy of the key
vector and perform
sorts on bunches of 10 sequences. But I would like to do everything in a single call.
is hardcoded to always have 10 elements, so there isn't a direct way to form a zip_iterator
from more than ten individual iterators, and therefore no way of sorting more than 10 distinct iterators by key in a single fused operation (and implicitly no way of passing more than 10 iterators into a user functor as well).
If you really can't think of a useful way to combine some of the individual vectors into a single iterator (for example form a vector of tuple values), then one alternative might be to use permutation iterators. If you create an array from a counting iterator and sort that, so something like:
device_vector<int> indices(N);
copy(make_counting_iterator(0), make_counting_iterator(N), indices.begin());
sort_by_key(key, key+N, indices);
now holds ordered indices into the vectors you would otherwise have sorted. You can then create a permutation iterator which can be used to "gather" the input data by your key as part of subsequent algorithm calls. You can make as many permutation iterators as needed, and they can be permutations of zip iterators to providing different "views" of the 12 input iterators as you need them in subsequent code.