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How can I kill an entire application on Android?

Possible Duplicate:
Android: How to kill an application with all its activities?

I am looking for a way to kill an entire application (e.g. shut down the process) in case my app crashes. The reason I want to do this is because a lot of my runtime data is stored in a static class, and so when the app crashes, this class is killed.

I have seen related questions about the Android philosophy (e.g. about not killing an app etc.), but for now I just need to kill my application. How can I do this?

My app has multiple activities and I tried the following. All it does is restore the previous activity.


 ActivityManager servMng
 servMng = (ActivityManager) context.getSystemService(Context.ACTIVITY_SERVICE);
 servMng.killBackgroundProcesses(<my package name>);




  • android.os.Process.killProcess(android.os.Process.myPid());

    Credit to @Thirumal Also possible duplicate How to kill an application with all its activities?