Is there a way to iterate and call a function on a list of user-defined Python objects with multiple attributes? Let's suppose it's called Entry, with attribute name, and age.
Such that I can say something to the effect of
def func(name, age):
//do something
def start(list_of_entries)
map(func,, list_of_entries.age())
//but obviously the .name and .age of the object, not the iterable
//these are the only two attributes of the class
Was thinking about using functools.partial() but not sure if that is even valid in this case.
I suppose you could use a lambda function:
>>> def start(list_of_entries):
... map((lambda x:func(,x.age)), list_of_entries)
But why not just use a loop?:
>>> def start(list_of_entries):
... for x in list_of_entries: func(, x.age)
or if you need the results of func:
>>> def start(list_of_entries):
... return [func(, x.age) for x in list_of_entries]