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How do I move a component in a layout?

How do I move a component in a frame while I am using a layout? I have tried this:

    int oy = test1.getY();
    int ox = test1.getX();
    test1.setLocation(ox, oy);

The first location is the same as the last location. I know that you can't change the location while in the layout normally, but how do you accomplish it? I have asked a similar question before and never got an answer. I have searched all over the internet for this, but I haven't found an answer.

TL;DR - How do you move a component?


  • The problem is that the LayoutManager of the panel is setting the location of the label for you.

    What you need to do is set the layout to null by:


    This will make it so the frame/panel doesn't try to layout the components by itself.

    Then call setBounds(Rectangle rect) on the label. Like so:

    lbl.setBounds(new Rectangle(new Point(200, 300), lbl.getPreferedSize())); This should place the component where you want it.

    However, if you don't have a really great reason to lay out the components by yourself, it is usually a better idea to use LayoutManagers to work in your favour.

    Here is a great tutorial on getting started with using LayoutManagers, if though you must use absolute then have a look at this tutorial