I don't want to monkey patch Padrino.
I still want to be able to use the command padrino start -d from the command line.
I want to get SSL up and running within padrino. Within Sinatra I just do:
Rack::Handler::WEBrick.run MyServer, MyServerOptionsWithAppropriateSSLStuffEtc
I found the file deep inside the Padrino core that handles setting these options, but I really don't want to monkey patch the application.
Ideally I'd like there to be be some way I could set the options within my Padrino::Application subclass.
So far I haven't found any documentation on how to do this, or if this is even possible.
mmm, you should be able to do the same.
In your project folder you should see config.ru
Try to edit it removing last line with:
Rack::Handler::WEBrick.run Padrino.application, MyServerOptionsWithAppropriateSSLStuff
Then from command line:
$ rackup