I have a Java server that I wrote myself running as a service. Right now looks like the application is somehow eating all my drive space at a 1GB per hour rate.
After a stop of the service the disk space becomes available by itself (I'm not deleting anything). From the application I'm not creating any files or writing to disk besides logs or the database but those are not growing so fast.
The big problem with this is that I can't find any file or folder that is eating up all my drive. I don't know if it is a system file that I don't have access to from the explorer or if it's a virus or a JVM bug. I'm using Oracle JVM 64 bit from JDK 7 update 7.
I appreciate a lot any help you can provide me with this. I have never seen something like that before.
Here are the possible pointers:
new File("/").getTotalSpace();
along with RAM details and watch how they are changing