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Safe redirect to nested resource in Rails

I recently added the Brakeman gem to my Gemfile and had to see, that I should use

:only_path => true

to make it more secure. But i'm using a nested resource and don't know exactly how, here is the part from my Controller.

if @comment.update_attributes(params[:comment])
  redirect_to [@message, @comment], notice: 'Comment was successfully updated.'   

How can i do this, i only saw the only_path attribute with the url_for helper. Thanks for your Help!


  • The short answer is that brakeman will complain in this case no matter what. A fix is in the mix(

    As is, your code is safe. The first argument is passed to url_for, which in this case build a polymorphic route based on your models.

    Note that by default :only_path is true so you’ll get the relative “/controller/action” instead of the fully qualified URL like “”

    But to answer your question, it will warn on any form where the first argument resolves to a string, albeit a weak confidence warning. This will be fixed.

    TANGENT alert. Let's say you want to redirect_to @message.some_url. This will generate a high confidence warning, which you can fix with something like:

    redirect_to URI.parse(url_for(@message.some_url)).path, notice: 'Comment was successfully updated'