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How to mount a Amazon S3 bucket by using FUSE - S3FS

This is driving me up the wall. I am still a little new to Linux but i do understand how to do most of day to day stuff I need to do. What I am trying to do is mount a Amazon S3 bucket to a mount point on my server.

I running Ubuntu server 12.04, it is fully up to date. I followed this guided,

In how to install FUSE & S3FS on my server. But it just says it can not 'establish security credentials'. I have use a psswd_s3fs file within in the etc and have tried a .passwd_s3fs file within the home folder(/home/USERNAME - that is where I put it). These files do have the access key ID and the secret access key (ID:ACESSKEY) <- format used.

If I changed the chmod on either file, form 600 to say 777, it reports back that this is wrong it needs to have no other permissions. So I know its using the files.

So what I am doing wrong?

Also made a new user, the access details I have been using are for the default user login, but it would not take them either. Not sure how to asign that user to a selected bucket or do I have to do it some other way?

Please help?


What wanted to know is if the detail I got from Amazon are right, so I downloaded TntDrive to test it in windows and there was no problems. Mounted my drive without any issues....


  • OK,

    Do not know why I had this problem, as I did make the file within Linux but basic my password file was not in a Linux readable format.

    I used do2unix (just Google it and you find out about it). That fixed my problem and then I could see the Amazon S3 sever.

    The next issue I add was that samba would not share the drive out, got to use '-o allow_other' option when mounting the drive.

    Note that you will / might have to enable 'user_allow_other' in fuse.conf. (/etc/fuse.conf) You can not miss the option it just has a # in front of it, just remove and then save it.

    Hope that helps someone else.