We have a table containing coordinates, among other things. We used to store these in two number fields (x and y), but we've now replaced this with an SDO_GEOMETRY field. For backwards compatibility, we have created a view (with the same name as the table used to have), where we do:
create or replace view meas_pnt as select ..., m.position.SDO_POINT.X x_coordinate, m.position.SDO_POINT.Y y_coordinate from meas_pnt_tab m;
This works for both reading and writing, but when writing decimal numbers to the view, the decimals are lost. I can't figure out why. Can anybody help? The following illustrates the problem:
update meas_pnt_tab m set m.position.SDO_POINT.x = 2.3 where meas_key=1; select m.position.SDO_POINT.X from meas_pnt_tab m where meas_key=1; -> x is 2.3. Good!
update meas_pnt set x_coordinate = 2.3 where meas_key=1; select m.position.SDO_POINT.X from meas_pnt_tab m where meas_key=1; -> x is 2.
I can not reproduce your error. This is what I get:
SQL> CREATE TABLE meas_pnt_tab (position sdo_point_type, meas_key NUMBER);
Table created
SQL> INSERT INTO meas_pnt_tab (position, meas_key)
2 VALUES (sdo_point_type(2.3,0,0), 1);
1 row inserted
SQL> SELECT m.position.X FROM meas_pnt_tab m WHERE meas_key=1;
2 SELECT m.position.X x_coordinate,
3 m.position.Y y_coordinate,
4 m.meas_key
5 FROM meas_pnt_tab m;
View created
SQL> UPDATE meas_pnt SET x_coordinate = 2.4 WHERE meas_key=1;
1 row updated
SQL> SELECT m.position.X FROM meas_pnt_tab m WHERE meas_key=1;
Can you post your CREATE statements ?