cur.execute("SELECT \
title, \
body, \
date \ # This pgsql type is date
table \
WHERE id = '%s';", id)
response = cur.fetchall()
print response
As an example this gives me: -
[('sample title', 'sample body',, 8, 5))]
Which can't be passed to things like json.dumps so I'm having to do this: -
processed = []
for row in response:
processed.append({'title' : row[0],
'body' : row[1],
'date' : str(row[2])
Which feels like poor form, does anyone know of a better way of handling this?
First of all, what did you expect to be returned from a field with a "date" data type? Explicitly, date, and driver obviously performs as expected here.
So your task is actually to find out how to say json encoder to encode instances of
class. Simple answer, improve encoder by subclassing a built-in one:
from datetime import date
import json
class DateEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
def default(self, obj):
if isinstance(obj, date):
return str(obj)
return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, obj)
Usage (you need to explicitly say you're using custom encoder):
json.dumps(_your_dict, cls=DateEncoder)