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How do I make the uri in a PyGTK LinkButton open in a browser on Windows?

I have created a PyGTK LinkButton on Windows. It contains a URI that I want to open in the user's browser.


The documentation here suggests I need to provide a hook function to gtk.link_button_set_uri_hook. Is there a function built in to PyGTK that I can use cross-platform, or do I need to write my own Windows-specific function?


  • What have you tried? You don't have to supply an URI hook. Just provide the URI and the LinkButton will take care of the rest. Minimal example:

    from gi.repository import Gtk
    w = Gtk.Window()
    w.connect("destroy", Gtk.main_quit)
    w.add(Gtk.LinkButton("", "test"))

    This creates a window with a single button that when clicked opens Google in the systems default web browser.
    If for any reason this doesn't work, you can have a look at the webbrowser module in the Python standard library which provides cross-platform support (I don't know if this module is used in gtk internally as well, in this case it just wouldn't make a difference).