Firefox appears to prefetch anything that is set in a meta tag like so:
<link rel="next" href="">
More can be read about this here:
Now on my site, when there are multiple pages for things like comments i've been using rel="next" and rel="previous", as I thought this was good mark up and may be used to help certain readers or search engine bots.
However i've also been trying to track what the last comment a user read was, but this hasn't been working (one of those stupid times when you spent hours on something simple).
Basically, when a user reads page 2 of 3 for instance, I update the database to say they've read page 2, but not page 3. However because page 3 gets prefetched, the code for that page runs and an SQL update fires for that page as well even though the user has never actually read page 3.
So really I have a few questiosn:
Answers to your question, in order:
on the ends of your URIs to make them not prefetchable, I think.?something
trick may not work there.