I am doing some complex logic involving loads of recursion to create a (complex) piece of HTML.
I started off doing this in the View using functions in Razor because I felt as HTML it belonged there.
But as it started getting more complex I thought I would rather do it in back-end code. Which it currently is.
It still feels a bit smellish though, and I am wondering if I should move it to the View again (which obviously clutters the view)
Which technically is more correct? When is it appropriate to use back-end code to generate HTML?
Thanks for your input.
Don't do it in controller. You can extend the HtmlHelper class and do the stuff there. For example if you are using a paging helper.
Create a static class HtmlHelpers
namespace YourMvcApplication.WebUI.HtmlHelpers
public static class PagingHelpers
public static MvcHtmlString PageLinks(this HtmlHelper html,int totalPages)
StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
// do the complex logic to create dynamic html and append to
// String Builder
return MvcHtmlString.Create(result.ToString());
Add reference to this class in all views in web.config.
<add namespace="YourMvcApplication.WebUI.HtmlHelpers"/>
Use and resuse this Html Helper methods wherever required.