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is it possible to limit the size of uncompressed zipped files in unix?

i am implementing a service where i have to extract a zip file which was uploaded by a user.

in order to avoid disk overflow, i have to limit BOTH zip file size AND unzipped files size.

is there anyway to do that (check unzipped files size) BEFORE unzipping? (for security reasons).

i am using unix, called from a PHP script.


  • Since you're working in PHP, use its ZipArchive library.

    $zip = zip_open($file);
    $extracted_size = 0;
    while (($zip_entry = zip_read($zip))) {
        $extracted_size += zip_entry_filesize($zip_entry);
        if ($extracted_size > $max_extracted_size) {
            // abort
    // do the actual unzipping

    You might want to put a limit on the number of files as well, or add a constant amount per file, to take into account the size of the metadata for each file. While you can't easily get a precise figure for that, adding a few hundred bytes to a couple of kilobytes per file is a reasonable estimate.