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Turn on missing @synthesize warning in Xcode 4.4

I'd like to get back the Xcode 4.3 warning about missing @synthesize commands. I have a CI environment that hasn't upgraded to Xcode 4.4 yet and without the warning in my Xcode 4.4 I find myself forgetting to do this all the time and then having to go back and correct it once my Xcode 4.3 CI environment's built IPA gets tested.

Please tell me there is a way to turn this back on.


  • There's a compiler warning for implicitly synthesized properties: -Wobjc-missing-property-synthesis. If you turn it on it gives you warnings for declared properties without a matching @synthesize or @dynamic directive. I find this very useful.

    The name of the Xcode build setting is CLANG_WARN_OBJC_MISSING_PROPERTY_SYNTHESIS or, in the build settings user interface, "Implicit Synthesized Properties".