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troubles with jQuery mouseleave

I am trying to create a menu with this structure:

<ul id="primary" class="menuOptions">
     <li>Item 1</li>
     <li>Item 2
         <div id="secondary">
            <ul class="menuOptions">
     <li>Item 3</li>

I am animating it with this script:

$j('.menuOptions li').each(function(i){
//applies to all menu options
   .bind('mouseover',function() {
       .bind('mouseleave',function() {

I am finding that the toggleClass function is being called on the primary menu item as the mouse moves over the secondary menu items. I know that mouseleave is not supposed to be called until the mouse is off the children as well, so I am confused.

Do I need to actively stop event propagation somehow?




  • Can you try with just using the hover function.

    $j('ul.menuOptions li').hover(function(){
           } ,
           function() {