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Running jake on appharbor

I have a post build task that I run on my MVC 3 project, 'jake build', that combines a bunch of coffee script files and runs some tests using Phantom.js.

I don't expect appharbor to run this when I deploy, but it is trying to. It is of course failing because node, jake, and any number of other node modules are not installed. Is there a way to have this post build process run on my local machine when I build but have appharbor ignore it?


  • I figured this out using this questions: How to run Visual Studio post-build events for debug build only

    You can do this in the ide: if $(ConfigurationName) == Debug jake build

    or this in the source of your project file:

    <PropertyGroup Condition=" '$(Configuration)' == 'Debug' ">
        <PostBuildEvent>start gpedit</PostBuildEvent>