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zendframework autoloading query

I am writing my own log class in zendframework based application. I was wondering as it's my own lib class where to keep it in application. I decided to keep this class parallel to "Zend" folder inside /library folder

 - Zend
 - Helper [ custom lib classes]

In bootstrap.php I have _initAutoload function where in I have added following

  $autoloader=new Zend_Loader_Autoloader_Resource(array(
            'basePath'  => dirname(__FILE__),
            'namespace' => 'Demo',
        $autoloader->addResourceType('model', 'models/', 'Model');
        $autoloader->addResourceType('helper', APPLICATION_PATH.'/library/Helper', 'Helper');

but I get error Demo_Helper_Logger class not found.

Whats could be wrong here? Any idea?



  • If you are using ZF 1.9+ you can handle this inside your application.ini

    Put your custom "library" into:


    Name your class like:

    class Helper_Log {}


    autoloadernamespaces.1 = "Helper_" 

    to your application.ini

    $log = new Helper_Log();