The title says it quite clearly, though I'll give a code example just in case. This is from the LunarLander sample in the Android SDK:
public void run() {
while (mRun) {
Canvas c = null;
try {
c = mSurfaceHolder.lockCanvas(null);
synchronized (mSurfaceHolder) {
if (mMode == STATE_RUNNING) updatePhysics();
} finally {
// do this in a finally so that if an exception is thrown
// during the above, we don't leave the Surface in an
// inconsistent state
if (c != null) {
The documentation for lockCanvas()
says all pixels must be re-drawn, whereas lockCanvas(Rect dirty)
says you're only required to re-draw pixels in dirty
. I see two possible interpretations of passing null
to this function: it doesn't require any pixels to be re-drawn, or behaves in the same manner as lockCanvas()
It is open source
public Canvas lockCanvas() {
return internalLockCanvas(null);
public Canvas lockCanvas(Rect dirty) {
return internalLockCanvas(dirty);