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How can I return 200 when I get 404 by editing .htaccess file?

I've a .htaccess file and an index.html file in root directory of a domain. I've codes below in this .htaccess file:

DirectorySlash Off

RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -d
RewriteRule ^(.*[^/])?$ /index.html [L]

I hope users will see the contents in index.html when they access to a directory URL no matter this directory URL has trailing slash or not. So I have code above.

But I have a problem. When I access to a directory which doesn't exists. I get 404. This is not what I want. I hope users will always forever get 200 and see contents in index.html when they access to a directory URL. How can I resolve this problem by editing codes above in .htaccess file?

BTW. Please don't redirect users to the index.html file.

Thank you!


  • Create a custom 404 page and call it for example "404page.php". Make sure that this page sends a 200 status before sending any other content to the browser by putting this at the top:

    header("Status: 200 OK");

    Then enter ErrorDocument 404 /404page.php in your htaccess.