I just want to know that whether this @"Test Test Sample" is valid reportSuiteID, Does a report suit ID which have space,will be valid or invalid.
When i send request, i got nothing and my client told me that he has nothing to see in report.
I used below code
s = [[AppMeasurement alloc] init];
s.debugTracking = YES;
//Setup application config variables
s.account = @"Test Test Sample";
s.ssl = YES;
s.dc = @"112";
s.pageName = @"HelooPage";
[s track];
The s.account variable is used to specify a report suite ID (RSID). RSIDs determine what set of reports to populate in SiteCatalyst, and do not contain spaces.
The string 'test test sample' is an invalid RSID - I would recommend getting a valid report suite from the client, such as a report suite dedicated to dev testing. That way you can send as much data to SiteCatalyst as you'd like without populating any important reports.