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How do I use phalcon-devtools\ide\phpstorm in phpstorm?

I am trying to integrate the Phalcon developer tools with phpstorm. There is a video here, but I am unable to view it due to my location.

I can't find any other usable reference in the documentation, how can I accomplish this?


  • Here are the steps.

    • Make sure you have the phalcon-devtools installed Instructions
    • Create a project using phalcon-devtools (unless you already have a project)
    • Launch PHPStorm and create the project there (unless you already did that).
    • Click File-Settings (Ctrl+Alt+S) (or PHPStorm-Preferences for Mac)
    • Click the second option "Command Line Tool Support"
    • Click the + icon and a new popup comes up. Make sure you have "Custom Framework" selected
    • In the new popup type:

      Framework: Phalcon

      Tool path: /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/phalcon-tools/ide/phpstorm/

      Alias: phalcon

      Description: Phalcon Developer Tools

    This assumes that your phalcon-tools have been installed under:


    Also if you use a Windows environment, you should use phalcon.bat instead of (see Tool Path line above)

    • Click Apply and then OK.
    • Click Tools - Run Command (Ctrl+Shift+X)
    • In the Commands output window, type:

      phalcon commands

    You should be able to see output. If there is an error check your path. Type any of the phalcon-tools commands to generate components for your project.

    • In PHPStorm you should see in the project explorer "External Libraries". Right mouse click and select "Configure PHP Include Paths"
    • In the new dialog click the + and navigate to the /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/phalcon-tools/ide/phpstorm/0.5.0 folder and click OK.

    Now as you type code, the relevant helper popup will appear with all the relevant functions.

    2012-09-07: There is a beta implementation of the Phalcon PHPStorm support for 0.5.0 here. In the upcoming weeks the code will become part of the framework and included with the 0.5.0 version.